The Big Reveal

Without further adieu, we have signed a 6-month lease for…

Screenshot 2018-08-25 16.02.06

After much searching, we decided two things:

1. Having a common community area and pool were really important. We have looked high and low for a playground that the kids can go to easily/daily to interact with other children and to get their wiggles out for cheap and the only public one that we have found remotely close was demolished this week. Person Facepalming on Facebook 2.2.1 Although the condo is small, being able to just go downstairs to run or take a dip in the pool was a huge plus. And…we can invite other kids to come play at our place. We have found a family of European kids playing soccer in the yard, and maybe, just maybe, they can teach our kids some ball skills -an area of our kids’ upbringing in which Ben and I have recently noticed that we have failed.

2. Being close to the city center and in a walkable neighborhood was paramount. After seeing a scooter accident yesterday there is no way that I will be driving in this town, nor does it make sense for us to get a car for a short period of time, so it was necessary for us to be close to the city center. The neighborhood of Nimman has banks, a mall, a few grocery stores, many bars, restaurants and hotels all within a few blocks. There is an organic farmers market on Sundays, lots of street food vendors and a night market 3 nights a week as well. We enrolled the kids in a daycare/preschool that is about half a mile away this week too. Chiang Mai also has amazing transportation options so for a couple of bucks, we can be picked up in front of our building within a matter of minutes and deposited nearly anywhere in town.



So, that being said, Chez Bryan is open for visitors!!

One thought on “The Big Reveal

  1. Hi Kara, Hi Ben, Following your Blog! Great info and great voyeurism onto your new life and adventure.

    Couple of questions I hope you’ll be divulging. How much does such an apartment cost? Is Ben doing the ESL Teaching course? How’s that going? Jobs seem available once he finishes. Please keep posting with all kinds of info.





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